In case you missed it, on June 7 we celebrated our 100th Episode at an EPIC party on the Georgetown Square….and A TON of you showed up to party with us.
The evening began with live music by Colby Keeling, as folks began piling in. Soon, trippers had completely taken over the Square! It was an amazing site to see.

Photos by Sarah Havard.

Our sponsors helped us throw a great party! Thanks to Georgetown for letting us shut down an entire street and takeover the Square for a night. And thanks to Chevy for bringing out some beautiful cars and to Lone Star Beer for the FREE BEER that the folks from Mesquite Creek were awesome enough to help us serve.

All our sponsors (including Rudy’s BBQ, Texas Farm Bureau Insurance and Best Western) gave us swag to put in the NINE raffle prizes we gave away throughout the night. Shout out to the little trippers that helped us pass them out!

We also had plenty of Daytripper merch for sale and these cool new Daytripper tattoos for the little trippers!

And of course, Chet got to meet y’all and hear your stories about trippin’ Texas!

And even the elusive BIG BEN made an appearance — he traveled all the way from Big Bend National Park to party with us!

When it was finally dark enough, we aired the 100th Episode Special.

A great time was had by all!

We want to thank all our volunteers for helping us out and we want to Thank YOU, our fans, so much for coming out to celebrate with us and sticking with us on this crazy journey!

We couldn’t have reached 100 Episodes without y’all! Here’s to 100 more! We’ll see y’all on the road!