We’re gonna take a moment here to REALLY thank one of our awesome new sponsors. If you’ve been watching Season 6, you know that Best Western Hotels of Texas recently teamed up with us and it couldn’t be a better fit. As you know, we LOVE traveling to small towns, and there’s a Best Western in almost every one. In fact, there are 231 Best Westerns across the Lone Star State. That’s a BUNCH!
For Seasons 1-5, we stayed at a number of Best Western Hotels, but now we get to stay at one on every shoot. The free wi-fi is always awesome, and our new ritual is to have our breakfast meeting over their free breakfast buffet. Because what’s a good night’s sleep if you don’t have a good breakfast to go along with it?
So, as you plan your trips, vacations, spring breaks or other roaming across Texas, be sure to include Best Western in those plans. We truly appreciate our sponsors, and literally wouldn’t have a show without them. Thank you Best Western.
Here’s the spot we made for them.
Here’s us at our breakfast meeting in Schulenburg.