This week we feature another crew member – Todd White. Oh wait, that’s me. Well…here we go.
What’s your name and where do you call home in Texas?
My name is Todd White. I was born and raised in San Antonio and call Georgetown home. Yep, a true Texan, born and raised.
What’s your role on The Daytripper?
I wear a few different hats on the Daytripper – Field Producer, Photographer and second camera Videographer. As a Field Producer, it is my role to plan and coordinate logistics for each shoot. This includes the right contacts are made, locations/contacts are prepped on what to expect, schedule set, crew knows call time and coordinating additional items needed for a shoot (such as costumes). In the field, I ensure we stay on schedule and verify we have the shots we need before we move on to the next location. There’s quite a bit more involved in this role but this is a good overview.
As the Photographer, I make sure we have photos for the website, show credits, promotional photos for each episode, photos that we can use and share with our partners/sponsors and photos for Texas Highways articles. Of course, there’s just good old capturing memories for the crew and show.
As second videographer, I shoot mostly B-Roll for the show – exteriors, interiors, kitchen action. Basically, I really focus on painting a picture of what each location is like and tell the story of what is happening there. There have been a couple of occasions where I shot primary camera. That was fun but I’ve got big shoes to fill when Richie is not able to shoot. Glad he is a good teacher!
How did you get involved with The Daytripper?
My involvement started when I shot Chet for a local magazine and a book that a local author was writing. We met for the shoot and became friends. We talked about the possibility of me coming along on a few shoots to take photos…mainly behind the scenes photos. My first photography shoot with the team was in San Antonio. From there it grew to be a regular thing that I went along on shoots. Within a few months I was helping to produce a few shows then from there it grew to shooting second camera. As of the beginning of this year I became an employee of the show. It’s been a fun ride so far and I look forward to more!
What’s been your favorite episode to film and why?
I really enjoyed filming in Athens. Such a fun location and I really had not spent any time in East Texas. It is gorgeous there!! Lufkin was another East Texas spot I really enjoyed, but back to Athens. The diversity of this shoot was so fun!! One day we were ziplining through the trees at NY to Texas ZipLine Adventures then later we were diving at the Athens Scuba Park. Totally different activities all in one place!
What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten while on a shoot?
This is a toss-up between the Railway Cafe in Athens and the Abi-Haus in Abilene. Both places had amazing food and a cool vibe. Both felt like a little slice of a hipster, Austin style place as well. Both had great burgers that were a step above the rest I’ve had. The Pimento Cheese with Roasted Jalapenos at the Railway Cafe was delicious! I love heat in my food and this was an unexpected surprise. At the Abi-Haus, their Kobe beef burger with Gorgonzola and Jalapenos was fantastic. In fact, Chet and I went back there in the evening for a dinner/beer tasting event.
What’s the funniest/weirdest thing you remember happening on a shoot?
The funniest thing on a shoot was also in Athens. The greek chorus bits were odd and funny. I’m pretty cool about dressing up and doing weird stuff with the show but that one took some convincing. It translated well in the show but felt weird doing it. But over the past year or so I’ve become more comfortable with dressing up and doing stuff on the Daytripper. Chet definitely has pushed me beyond my comfort zone…in a good way.
What is your go-to roadtrip snack?
Haribo Gummi Bears!! Grew up on these things and love them. In fact I have a bag of them next to me as I write this. If I need something more substantial and healthy, then it’s the Oatmega bars.
What kind of music do you like to rock out to on the road?
I am big fan of Indie rock. Just has a good vibe for roadtrips. I am also really into podcasts. A few of my favorite to listen to on the road are The Relevant Podcast, This American Life and Pop Culture Happy Hour.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for the show?
Hands down was the attempt to dive in the Valhalla missile silo in the Abilene episode. I am diver but have been diving in the ocean in places like the Caymans, Cozumel, Hawaii and the BVIs. This dive was an advanced dive, in the dark and I had not been in the water in about 5 years or so. Not a good combo for this dive. I tried but just could not do it…but I tried.
What’s your idea of the perfect day trip?
I really enjoy heading to smaller towns with a square, good food and wineries/wine bars. I love getting away and relaxing and not going to a big city. My schedule is fairly crazy so getting away from the hustle and bustle is important. Down time is key for my sanity. Strolling along a street of shops, having a long lunch, sipping wine and enjoying some local live music is perfect. We recently shot in Tomball and that was a great mix of all the above. In fact, it’s on my list to take my wife there soon.