Wake Up! While most everybody gets excited about the Easter Bunny, don’t forget that Easter is a time to celebrate Jesus and the fact that He rose from the grave. It happened early on Easter morning nearly 2000 years ago, and to this day, folks still like to wake up before the sun to kick off the Easter celebration. Because if Jesus can muster up the ability to rise from the dead, then you can muster the ability to rise from the bed.
If you’ve never attended an Easter Sunrise Service, you definitely should. It’s a truly special time. To help you make this the year, here’s a list of many sunrise services to be found across the state. While this list is in no way comprehensive, it will definitely help you get started.
Bolivar Peninsula Easter “Son Rise” Service – Crystal Beach, TX

Picture by Crystal Beach Ministerial Alliance
Join the Ministerial Alliance at 7 a.m. on March 27 for their annual sunrise service on the beach off of West Lane on the Bolivar Peninsula which is about an hour outside of Galveston. Watch the sunrise over the ocean and enjoy live music, choir and worship. Bring your own chair to sit in. For more information at www.bolivarpeninsulatexas.com.
Easter Sunrise Service at McNair Park – Sunrise Beach, TX
The First Baptist Church of Sunrise Beach is hosting a Sunrise Service from 6:30-7:30 a.m. on Easter morning, March 27, at the McNair Park Pavilion on the shore of Lake LBJ. Refreshments will be served before and after the service. For more information, visit http://www.fbcsrb.org/easter.
Easter Sunrise Service on The Mound – Flower Mound, TX
The Summit Club of Flower Mound and the Women of Flower Mound have been hosting a sunrise service on the Flower Mound since 1974, and this year the Rockpointe Church is conducting the service. It will be on The Flower Mound at 6:30 a.m. on March 27. There will also be replicas of the three crosses, and donuts and coffee will be provided. The Summit Club suggests that guests arrive at 6:15 a.m. and bring their own chairs. For more information, go to http://www.summitclub.org/.
Sunrise Service at Rockport Beach – Rockport, TX
Gather your family and join the First United Methodist Church in worship at their beach-side sunrise service at 7 a.m. on March 27 at the Rockport Beach. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs. You can find the details at www.mychurchevents.com.
Central Presbyterian Easter Sunrise Worship Service – Austin, TX

Picture by Central Presbyterian Church Austin’s Facebook.
The Central Presbyterian Church is hosting a sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. at the Zilker Clubhouse patio on March 27. Following the service, there will be a breakfast at 9 a.m. in Smoot Hall. After breakfast, kids can enjoy a Easter symbol hunt as well as a “Flowering of the Cross” in which families are encouraged to bring flowers from their front yards to adorn the cross. For more information on these events, go to http://www.cpcaustin.org/ministries-fellowship/worship/.
Holy Word Austin Easter Sunrise Service – Austin, TX

Picture by Holy Word Lutheran Church Facebook
Holy Word Austin is hosting a sunrise service at 7 a.m. on Easter Morning, March 27, at Pioneer Farms, followed by an Easter Egg hung for children 8 and under. Donuts and drinks will be provided at the service, and at 8:45 a.m. a full complimentary breakfast will be served at Holy Word Austin. Visit http://holyword.net/easter/ for more information.
Grace Lutheran Church Easter Sunrise Service – San Antonio, TX

Picture by Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church is hosting a sunrise service with multiple Lutheran Churches in the area at the Arneson River Theater. After the service at 7 a.m. on March 27. There will be a breakfast taco meal at the Grace Lutheran Church following the service. For more information, go to www.gracesa.org.
Christian Church of Midland Sunrise Service – Midland, TX
The Christian Church of Midland is hosting a sunrise service at their building at 7:30 a.m. on March 27 and the entire community is invited. For more details, go to http://www.ccofm.com/.
Easter in East Dallas – Dallas, TX
Join Munger Place Church for a sunrise service at 6:45 a.m. on March 27 in Garrett Park, which is across the street from the church. There will be food, family pictures, a petting zoo and more. To learn more about the service, go to Munger Place Church’s website: http://www.mungerplace.org/easter/.
Glen Rose Community Easter Sunrise Service – Glen Rose, TX
The Ministerial Alliance of Glen Rose is hosting a sunrise service with several churches in the area at 7 a.m. on Easter Sunday, March 27, at Glen Lake camp. The service, which will last about an hour, will be lead by Pastor James Oliver. You can find more information at the Ministerial Alliance’s Facebook page or at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church’s website.
First United Methodist Church – Huntsville, TX
Join First United Methodist Church from 7-8 a.m. on March 27 for a sunrise service on their front lawn. There will be worship and community. For the details, check out their website: http://huntsvillefumc.org/.