I’m partnering up with the folks at Best Western Texas to give you the chance to win a trip to San Antonio, where you’ll get to visit some of my favorite spots AND MEET ME!!
All you gotta do is register HERE and stay at a Best Western hotel in Texas between now and April 30th, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win!
- 2 Nights at a Best Western Hotel in San Antonio
- a $100 Gift Card to Mi Tierra Cafe
- 4 Vouchers to Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
- 4 Vouchers to Natural Bridge Caverns
- 4 Vouchers to Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum
- 4 Vouchers to the Witte Museum
- BREAKFAST WITH ME (Ready for Texas-shaped waffles???)
Visit www.bestwesterntexas.com/MeetChet for the details and get to trippin’ so you’ll have a chance to meet me!!